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2 recommendations


About Me

I'm in my 50s
Dietary requirements
I am: Always hungry
I'm allergic to: Nothing
I'd rather not eat: Raw meat
I'd rather eat: Non processed, ethically sourced food, organic
I am married to a fashion designer called Samantha. When I am not working as a public speaker I like to listen to music and I occasionally surf.

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Latest Reviews

Loretta Lee | 4 years

Penang Hainanese Chicken Rice Dinner

Dan was really relaxed. He brought Uncle Jim from Ireland. They enjoyed the food as it is new to uncle Jim. Dan and the other guests sort of 'looked' after themselves, chatting and laughing all the way. All the guests had a good time, good food, and good company

Caryn | 4 years

Oriental inspired

Very polite couple who simply love trying out exotic dishes. Very down-to-earth guests, no awkwardness amongst us, conversations with them just flow naturally. Good time has been had by all.

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