Secret Passage Supper Club

7:00pm Sat 9th May 2020

Horncastle, United Kingdom

£35  per person

Jim & Odile Sutcliffe
Food tastes better together more about this host

Small talk

Kiran John | 4 years

Hi Jim There's been no formal notification that this event is cancelled. But I can only presume that it must be given the current situation. Could you please confirm that it will be rescheduled when circumstances permit, and that the booking will simply be transferred accordingly? I was very much looking forward to the evening, but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait 😊 Kiran

Jim & Odile Sutcliffe | 4 years

Hi Kiran, Hope you're well, yes the event has been postponed, unfortunately until we set a new date it doesn't notify anyone that we've updated it to postponed on the event. We haven't set new dates yet for any events as we aren't sure when it'll be possible to do them, but we absolutely hope to reschedule as soon as its safe and possible and we'll update the event accordingly. We're thrilled your looking forward to it and still want to come, its been such a disappointment, that we had to postpone so many but needs must. Stay safe J&O

Kiran John | 4 years

Thank you for the quick reply. Yes it's much is on hold. But the way I see it is that we will appreciate these things so much more. I look forward to meeting you. K 😊

Jim & Odile Sutcliffe | 4 years

You too , stay safe 🥰

Janes | 4 years

Hi obviously as I'm high risk category I'm unable to attend this event, are you still running the event or offering refunds and also the Waitrose event how do I request refund on that too james

Jim & Odile Sutcliffe | 4 years

Hi James, we'll let you know a new date as soon as possible, in the meantime we've cancelled the Waitrose event so you should receive a refund shortly. Thanks J&O

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