What constitutes a philosophy of education.
Specifically, each one develops its own doctrine.
Many of the fragments listed above have already been combined into theories:
- "humanistic philosophy",
- "systems theory",
- "culturological approach,"
- "educology" (the science of the regularities of education).
Some of them are clearly formed, some are in the formative stages.
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in general secondary education. A. Einstein believed that it is not enough to teach a person only a specialty: without the spiritual
sphere such a specialist will be like a trained dog.
AND I. Kant argued that every man must seek answers to the questions:
- What can I know?
- What can I do?
- What can I hope for?
- What is Man?
Depending on the answers to these questions, society fought
or revived. In the U.S., it has been found that at age 30-35, a person is twice as interested in various cheat sheets like
term papers for sale and the humanities as at the age of 18-20.
Thus, the methodology of pedagogical science is
a system of principles and ways of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activity, as well as the teaching of
this system. The methodology of pedagogy defines general approaches to the cognition and use of the patterns of learning,
upbringing, and personality development. The object of pedagogical methodology is
write my thesis and already after the desired cognition of the phenomena of training, education and
the child's development as a personality. The subject of pedagogical methodology is the regularities of the process of forming a new person (personality).
In conclusion, here are two definitions of pedagogical
methodology, which may be regarded as classical:
Method is not an external form, but the soul and concept of content.
?. Hegel
Methodology - the science of the ways of knowing pedagogical phenomena, the laws of socialization, training and education.
Every child can be made into a human being.
1.2.1 The origins of the diversity of paradigms
Paradigm, literally translated from Latin, means "example. In modern pedagogy it is used
as a conceptual model of education. There is a great
of educational paradigms. I.A. Kolesnikova links this diversity with pedagogical civilizations.
In her opinion, humanity has passed through the stages of natural pedagogy and
The humanity has passed through the stages of reproductive-pedagogical civilization and is entering the creative-pedagogical civilization.
The theory of scientific cognition in specific scientific disciplines
The doctrine of the structure of the function of pedagogical knowledge
The main reason was that the subject of pedagogical activity
Without what properties in education can not be a modern student
The educational functions of the school in the education of children